Sarah Clover was the specialist adviser to the House of Lords Select Committee on the ten year review of the Licensing Act 2003.
Report paragraph 12: acknowledgements.
“During the course of our inquiry we have been fortunate to have as our specialist adviser Sarah Clover. She is a barrister whose encyclopaedic knowledge of licensing, planning and regulatory law has been invaluable to us. We are most grateful to her for her exceptional contribution to our work.”

Copyright House of Lords 2017 / Photography by Roger Harris
Licensing act fundamentally flawed says committee.
The House of Lords Select Committee on the Licensing Act 2003 publishes its report ‘The Licensing Act 2003: post-legislative scrutiny’. In the eleven years since the Act has been in force hardly a year has gone by without major piecemeal amendments to the Act. The Lords Committee, set up to scrutinise the Act, has concluded that it is fundamentally flawed and needs a radical overhaul, including the abolition of local authority licensing committees.
Evidence Transcripts.
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